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Friday, July 19, 2013


***Received compliments of +Influenster ***

My delicious cherry pomegranate dasani drops! 
what I received in my VOXBOX--free bottle of water, pink lemonade and cherry pomegranate flavor drops, 2 coupons to share with friends!  

What I like to bring to the pool with me!  Towel, oil, DASANI flavor drops, and my gallon of water~  My favorite thing about my flavor enhancing drops, you might ask?????  HOW ELSE could I finish an ENTIRE GALLON OF WATER each and every day (will power of course is also my secret ingredient next to....)?!  Not without my DASANI DROPS!!  

my pink lemonade manicure goes right along with my pink lemonadeflavor enhancing drops!

once my drops have been added!  Can't wait to taste!

I stay warm with a blanket while downing my glass of water made tastier by cherry pom dasani drops!  

Another view of the delicious pink lemonade drops!

Another great view of my living room/kitchen (where the flavor enhancing MAGIC  happens with @DASANIDROPS @influenster #flavorfy

Check out the following facebook pages to see where you can learn to #flavorfy your summer!
DASANI facebook page
DASANI DROPS twitter page
DASANI DROPS influenster review page